AgileHEX - Hexagon Freestanding Acoustic Screen

Acoustic freestanding divider screen for offices and open plan work areas.

If you’re keen to reduce noise and reverberation in your space while ensuring your office or Reception area catches the attention of visitors, our latest innovation is bound to pique your interest.

Introducing…AgileHEX, a freestanding acoustic screen design, available exclusively from the team here at AgileAcoustics.

As you would expect from our hard-working team of creators, AgileHEX has been developed to be a class-leading acoustic absorber screen, making it perfect for dividing open plan office spaces. It comes with the added benefit of a bespoke print option, too, so each hexagonal tile can feature your corporate brand or identity, such as a logo or branded colours.

Position our AgileHEX Screen Wherever You Want

We love the fact that AgileHEX doesn’t completely close off a space, either. Instead, it provides some privacy, while your employees won’t feel completely cut off from fellow colleagues.

There are, of course, plenty of benefits to the AgileHEX – and here’s another: it’s also easy to slide around and position wherever you like, making it perfect for agile working as well.

Each Hex tile is actually a double hexagon acoustic tile, featuring a convenient air gap to the centre. This means it offers Class A acoustic performance, while ensuring each tile can be removed from the screen’s sub-frame. Due to that fact alone, you’ll find that our screens are perfect for external events when you may need to travel light.

Want to find out more about AgileHEX? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team here at AgileAcoustics.

AgileHEX: Registered Design #6104590 & #6104589

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